Saturday, June 28, 2014

Breaking up is Hard to do…What I Learned from the Demise of my four-year relationship

Breaking up is something that is pretty much inevitable. It’s something that we all have, or unfortunately will encounter at some point in our lives. I have gone through six breakups in my entire life. So when it was time to end my four-year long relationship with my boyfriend this past January I should have been an expert in what to do and how to deal right?...Wrong. You see one thing I’ve learned is that each breakup, much like every relationship, is different. The purpose of me writing this blog is not to bash my ex; my blog is about uplifting women of all ages and backgrounds. In my journey to uplift I will often times use my own experiences in the hopes of helping someone else no matter how hurtful or embarrassing those experiences may be…and honey it can’t get more hurtful, embarrassing or real than what I am about to describe to you.

My ex and I dated for four years. We met my very first semester of college and his very last semester of college, this of course made for an interesting start to our relationship. He was preparing to enter the “real world” and I was just exiting freshman orientation. We encountered some hiccups before we finally got serious with each other nine months later, but we cared about each other enough to make it work. During the span of our relationship we managed long distance, him in Texas, me at school in Troy and there was also a period of time where I was in Orlando for an internship with Disney. But, somehow we managed to come out swinging and survive it all. If you’ve ever been in love and thought you were with “the one”, this is what I thought my relationship was with my ex. We had discussions of what parts of the country our careers would lead us, the number of children we wanted, the wedding, vacations etc. I had never before felt so comfortable in my own skin with another person and I couldn’t see my future without him in it…again, I was dead WRONG.

Fast forward to January 2014…My boyfriend was still at work and would not be home until midnight. I had traveled to stay with him for the weekend and got to the apartment before he was off. I had plans to wash my hair that night, so I went looking for towels. My boyfriend had clear bins that held his items instead of a dresser so it didn’t make it hard to find what I was looking for. I spotted one towel, but needed another to dry my hair. I lifted up the bin in order to get to the other towel I had spotted, but when I lifted up the top bin I saw several different greeting cards. I picked the cards up and realized they were all from the same girl. All of the cards were sent by this girl over a four-month period expressing her love for MY boyfriend. Now, I had been at his apartment manyyyy times by myself and never felt the need to snoop, finding the cards threw that notion out of the window. I began searching the apartment more and came across a bra…I had found all I needed. Four years of love, intimacy, hard-work, companionship, time spent with families, planning and most importantly trust, was thrown completely out of the window within a matter of minutes.

What followed was an episode of denials and lies. Over the next few weeks I went back and forth with whether or not to spend the forever I had planned with him, or trust that God had better for me and walk away, I eventually chose the last option. However, coming to this decision was not easy. I prayed A LOT and relied on the guidance and support of my family, close friends and I even had a session with my therapist in the process of making my decision.

I’m sharing this with you because in the process of my hurt and pain I have learned sooooo much and if my story can reach and help even one person then I have no problem sharing with you all. Here is a list of everything I learned through the demise of our relationship:

1.       The first time you feel the need to walk away, WALK AWAY!

A former girlfriend of mine once told me that the first time you feel the need to walk away, walk away because you have that feeling for a reason. There were several occasions and disagreements that were had during the course of our relationship that showed me who I was dealing with, but I chose to ignore it foolishly.

2.       The way a person treats you is NOT a reflection on you…

What is a reflection of you is once you know better, you choose not to do better.

3.       Selfish people cannot prosper in a relationship with another person.

If you’re dealing with a selfish person just hang in the towel now because you can’t be selfish in any relationship let alone a dating relationship and attempting to prepare for marriage.

4.       Figure out what someone is capable AND willing to give you and take it from there.

I realized very quickly that my boyfriend wasn’t willing or able to give me the whole truth because he lacked integrity... Couples have survived infidelity, but not lack of integrity.

5.       Listen to what your loved ones have to say about your significant other.

In the words of my best friend-“Everybody and they mama don’t lie!” Sometimes you’re too invested and close to the situation to pick up on the warning signs, but when several people have said the SAME things it’s time to open your eyes and guard your heart.

6.       Keep and nurture your relationship with God so you can know what love is and what it isn’t.

This is an area I definitely slacked off in. Had I been more into my word I would have recognized  that our relationship, although some parts, not all were representative of what love is meant to be, 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8.

7.       Trust that God knows the desires of your heart and has plans to prosper you and not to harm you.

In the process of making my decision I felt that I had two choices: I could continue with the relationship and everything we had planned to be happy temporarily, or I could be uncomfortable and sad for a little while and be truly happy for the rest of my life with what God really has for me. The reason I chose the second option is because once you realize that someone has no desire to change, you have to make the decision to change and move forward.

8.       NEVER settle for less and ALWAYS rise above!

One of my favorite high school teachers told me this and it has stuck with me. Figure out what you want and handle the situation with dignity and class.

9.       You’re STRONGER and more FABULOUS than you ever realized!

This one is pretty self-explanatory and describes ALL women who have dealt with adversity at some point.


I sincerely hope that by me sharing this it has helped someone with a similar situation or just to encourage you to know you’re worth. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions at In the following posts I’ll be writing more about how I was able to get over my breakup and re-enter the dating scene.





Thursday, May 8, 2014

Let Them Have Books!
So as I mentioned in a previous post I absolutely LOVE to read and I'm sure some of you share this as an interest with me as well so I'd like to start writing posts about books that I'm currently reading or have read already. With this post I want to feature a book by one of my favorite authors, Mary Kay Andrews.
Her books are H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! Her stories are based in Southern states(which is probably one of the many reasons I enjoy reading them) and about women who find themselves in less than fortunate situations, but instead of whining about it they rescue themselves and on their journeys they usually encounter a love interest along the way. Considering we're now in the spring season I thought it was fitting to feature Spring Fever.

This story explores the relationship of Annajane Hudgens and her ex-husband Mason Bayless. Annajane is engaged and ready to leave behind she and Mason's history. But, although Annajane thinks she's COMPLETELY over Mason, an unfortunate event that occurs right before his wedding to another woman causes her to question all the feelings she thought were stored away since their divorce.

Product Junkie Review
Ladies, if you're on the lookout for a great leave-in conditioner then your should definitely give this a try! Not only does it moisturize, but it also serves as a heat-protector. This conditioner can be a little expensive with prices ranging from $10-$12 in store. Normally I would purchase this product from Walmart, but I haven't been able to find it lately except on for $5-$24.

Sometimes a girl just needs some short shorts!... But, not too short. Also, ladies remember there's a time and place for everything, especially shorter and more fitted apparel.

Top-$7(Old Navy)
Sandals-$6, Price after discount(Charlotte Russe)
Hoop earrings-$6(H&M)


Wednesday, March 26, 2014



Let me start off by saying that the LBD(little black dress) is a closet staple every woman should own. There are so many silhouettes to choose from that choosing the right LBD can become daunting! But it doesn't have to be.

Later I'll feature some of the LBDs I have in my closet and write about how to select the right dress for your body, lifestyle and budget!

Dress- $12(Forever 21)
Shoes-$15(Forever 21)
Earrings-$7(Cato Fashions)
Bracelets-Prices ranged from $7-$15(Given as gifts, Forever 21, Walmart and TrenD in Downtown Disney)


Sunday, February 16, 2014

This is an outfit I wore to one of my friend's baby shower. It was held in early October, which to us Alabamians still means summer lol! I chose this outfit because at showers you never know what kind of games you'll be playing so I wanted to be cute, but comfortable at the same time.

It seems that the older I get the more comfort is important to me. Do any of you feel that way as well?

Blouse- $10(Forever 21)
Jeans- $10(Forever 21)
Shoes-$25(Forever 21)
Bracelet- $7(Forever 21)
Headbands- $4(Walmart; Scuncii brand)